Is this your first time trying HaloSmile?

HaloSmile takes a few tries to get the hang of, but fear not, we've created this page with you in mind. Keep this page up during your first few applications until you get comfortable applying HaloSmile.
But first things first, watch the full application video.

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Full HaloSmile Tutorial


You can view the full instructions however you please. Here at HaloSmile, we're committed to cutting back on waste. Below you will find the full length instructions which you can view on your phone, desktop or right click, save and print out your instructions. Each kit will come with shortened guidelines for applying.

No removal necessary, HaloSmile comes off naturally.

If your application is not bothering you, you can let it naturally erode from your teeth. HaloSmile is not harming you in any way. The brightness of your application normally decreases over the time and will fade after 24 hours. Depending on your biochemistry, you may still have the benefits of stain protection. You can easily check this by drying your teeth. Dry your teeth using a paper towel or hairdryer. As your teeth dry, you will start to see the product on your teeth. Do not be alarmed by the streaks, once you wet your teeth, the streaks will go away again.

Easy Removal

If you are ready to remove HaloSmile and do not want to let it naturally erode, put a little removal gel onto a cotton roll or paper towel. Rub over your teeth until HaloSmile is completely removed. Removal process will vary from person to person.

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